Avondale Veterinary Physiotherapy, United Kingdom
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Avondale Veterinary Physiotherapy

Caring and compassionate treatment for your animals to aid recovery, improve function, and enhance performance.

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What is veterinary physiotherapy?

Veterinary physiotherapy is a science-based profession, which takes a holistic approach to each animal patient by providing functional assessment and treatment following veterinary referral. It combines movement analysis with in-depth knowledge of the anatomy of the neuro-muscular system to identify potential problems and alleviate symptoms. Physiotherapy for animals can be used alongside veterinarian care, as well as other paraprofessionals such as farriers, dentists, and trainers, to assist in the treatment or long-term management of many musculoskeletal and neurological injuries and conditions. It can assist in rehabilitation of the animal following surgery, with the aims of reducing pain, improving mobility, and restoring normal muscle control and function. Physiotherapy can also be used for performance development of the animal athlete, helping to try and minimise the risk of injury or prevent recurrence of injury, whilst enhancing the performance of competitive or working animals.

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Avondale Veterinary Physiotherapy offer a range of holistic treatments that address the root causes and not just the symptoms. See below to find out more about how physiotherapy could help your animals. If you have any questions or would like further information please do get in touch.

Brown Dogs
Horse in Stable


Our animals are all as individual as their owners. That is why each assessment, treatment and home exercise prescription is as unique and individual as they are. Every session is tailored to each animal and their own condition, personality and needs at the time. The following...

Canine Physiotherapy

All dogs can benefit from veterinary physiotherapy, whether they are a pet, companion, show dog, working dog or athlete. Veterinary physiotherapy can play a vital role in rehabilitation following injury or surgery, as well as providing pain relief and therapy for long term conditions...

Equine Physiotherapy

Horses, just like us, can tweak and strain muscles on a regular basis requiring a physiotherapist input. Veterinary physiotherapy is not just for competition horses, all horses can benefit whether they are a companion, show horse, working horse...

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Further information

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Veterinary Consent and Referral Form

In accordance with the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, it is a legal requirement for Veterinary Physiotherapists to obtain veterinary consent prior to the treatment of any animal. This does not mean that your animal has to see their vet prior to a physiotherapy appointment. The form below provides Avondale Veterinary Physiotherapy with information about you and your pet. Once we receive the form from you, it will then be emailed directly to your veterinarian to gain consent for your animal to receive physiotherapy. Alternatively, you can forward the form to your vet yourself, then return to us upon completion.

Terms and Conditions

Please see the form below for Avondale Veterinary Physiotherapy terms and conditions.

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